Saturday, September 11, 2010

Websites that inspire me

Photoshop Tutorial

How to sleep soundly

Who am i - Tired person
What is it - a sleepy person
What for - to sleep
1st Task - get an aroma smell which you like
2nd Task - on lullaby music which you like
3rd Task - sleep in a position best for you
Outcome - wake up with a happy smile
Showcase - gallery

How to enjoy food

Who am i - Consumer
What is it - The person who eats the food
What for - To get rid of hunger
1st Task - Smell the fresh aroma around the food
2nd Task - Eat it slowly by slowly munching it
3rd Task - Taste the aftereffect after swallowing it
Outcome - Feel bloated
Showcase - Gallery

How to release stress as a gamer

Who Am i - Gamer
What For - Release Stress
1st Task - Pick a game
2nd Task - Enjoy the game
3rd Task - Finish the game
Outcome - Energetic
Showcase - Gallery